I often wonder how many people in the world are like me. No, not in every aspect, just in some. For example, ever since I was a child I would have these times where my focus was on one thing, and that one thing, whatever it may have been, would take up most of my time and effort. After a while, with few exceptions, I would reach a point where I was no longer interested in that item, event or whatever. I guess some would call it a fad, while others might call it A.D.D. Well, I don't want to label myself as that, but I have been known to loose interest quickly. My mind is always moving, I am always thinking. There is not one moment in my day where I am just blank. Are all people this way? Or are some people able to empty their minds of all thought? That is rather scary to me, just the thought of not having anything on your mind. I guess some who practice yoga are able to do this. Is it better to always be thinking or not? I don't know, since I have never been able to do so.
Anyway, I kind of got off track. I was originally going to right about how I am still very much involved in purchasing, wearing and learning about vintage fedoras. I was at one point wondering if this also would become one of those things I lost interest in. Well, it is going on 2 years now, so I think this qualifies as a keeper, not a fad. I think, there I go again, it is because it was something I always wanted to do, that is, own a quality fedora. I would as a child see older gentlemen, such as my grandfathers, wear nice hats. As a kid I always wore baseball caps and newsboy caps, but my longing was always for a fedora. I was too young for one, or so I thought. I have through my research found that fedoras wher also worn by young men at one time in history. Ok, maybe not a kid, but a young man.. Well, better late than never. I am now a proud owner of 20 vintage fedoras which I wear proudly. I actually own 26 fedoras, but I don't count my straw fedoras as vintage because they are not. I among does straw fedoras, own 2 Panama hats from Ecuador which I thought I would like when I originally ordered them, but I really was dissappointed in them. I guess for some they are fine, but I find that the brim is way to big. I don't like fedoras with brims longer than 2 1/4'', actually under 2'' is more my style. I have learned a lot about fedoras and their history. I own fedoras as old as 65 years old. I often wonder, if these fedoras could talk, what a story they could tell. Not only are my fedoras vintage, they also come from all over the U>S.A. and I also own two fedoras which were made in Italy and made it to the U.S.
So, You see, I can,focus on something for longer than a day or two.....
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
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