Monday, January 24, 2011


I am going back to when I was about 8 or 9 years of age. As you know by now I lived on the West Side of Chicago. I was thinking of this old man who owned a shoe repair store on Roosevelt Rd. This was, and still is, a main street in Chicago. Well The street I lived on shared the same alley with Roosevelt Rd. I would occasionally vist this shoe store just to watch while he made shoes look like new again. I guess it was cheaper back then to re-sole or to have new heels put on a pair of shoes instead of going and buying a new pair. I was thinking of one day in particular. It was early summer. It was about 2:30 in the afternoon. I remember the time because Clark Kent would come on tv as Superman. This was the black and white version of Superman. I always watched this show. On this particular day I recall hearing a lot of sirens close to the back of our house so I ran outside, as everyone else did. I ran to where the crowd was gathered just to find out that the shoe man and his wife had been robbed and shot to death. I remember wondering how great it would be if Superman was real and he could come and find the person or persons who had done this horrible thing. You see, he never allowed anyone in to the shop unless he knew them, that is why I was allowed to go there. Since the police did not find the door broken, they figured it was no stranger who did this. I don't remember if anyone was ever caught. It was pretty sad since these people were part of our neighborhood. You see back then most of the store fronts had an apartment in back or upstairs where the owners of the shop or store would live. This old man and his wife lived behind the store. I want to say his name was Joe, I can't be sure. He was a white man, Jewish I think. He would always let me buff some of the shoes before the customers would come to pick them up. I did not get paid for this but I enjoyed doing it and I enjoyed being in his shop and watching everything he did. He was a master at his job!

So anyways Superman never payed my neighborhood a visit.

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