Friday, July 20, 2012

Count my Blessings....

Yes, it is very important in one's life to take inventory of one's life.  If we are honest with ourselves we will find much we don't like but also much we do like.  We however, tend to focus on those things we wish were different.  This is futile if the situation is out of our control, i.e. such as a physical impairment or other aspects of life which we cannot control.  If we focus our strenght on the things we cannot change we get discouraged and soon we stop trying.  So, why not focus on the good things that are part of us?  Use our time to enjoy what we have and what is going good for us.  Doing so will make us happy and chances are we even enhance our good habits and qualities.

We owe it to ourselves to encourage our personal achievements.  When we work on the things we can and should control, we don't get discouraged as quickly or at all. 

Take inventory of your life and focus on the things that bring a smile to your face....

Sunday, July 8, 2012


So, life as I have often said is what you make of it.  I could sit here and dream of how I wish things were, but where would that get me?  Absolutely no where!  I have lived long enough to know that we need to move forward.  Looking back, unless it is to gain strength from a previous lesson life taught us, it is totally futile and serves us very little.  So, I will do what works for me.  I will survive and by doing so I will get stronger and get ready for the next trial. 

I am not alone...

I will be fine...

I am a simple man. I feel pain just as anyone else does. I can also feel joy. I am not always so secure of myself. I love and when I do I fall deeply in love. I fight hate since I don't want it to consume me. Yes, I do wish some aspects of my life could be different, but so be it. Somedays are really hard, but I rely on the strength that got me to a new day. Yes, it is true, "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" but it sure hurts like hell. I will be fine. I always am. I have to be. Just feeling a little down right now. Hey after all I am only human. I strive to create new memories, hopes and wishes. I blame no one for how I feel. I control how I feel or don't feel. Sometimes it's just a little harder to be strong. I will however reach deep into my soul and fight the demons which try to bring me down. I once found myself in the pits of hell, and I slowly clawed my way out. I swore to myself I would never allow myself to visit that dark place ever again. Is it easy? No it is not, but my life depends on it.....

And I am not saying this because I feel neglected, for I have learned to be satisfied with what I have. 12 I know what it is to be in need and what it is to have more than enough. I have learned this secret, so that anywhere, at any time, I am content, whether I am full or hungry, whether I have too much or too little. 13 I have the strength to face all conditions by the power that Christ gives me.

Phil. 4: 11-13