Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The 28th. day of Dec...

Three mor days til 2011. Many folks reflect on the past year and either are pleased with themselves or not. Based on how they feel they begin to make resolutions for the New Year. Sometimes what we need to do is to finish what we started before we go on a new venture.

Times are harder than they have been in many years. Planning and sticking to our good plans will help us to make it through difficult times. When things are going smoothly again we need to check ourselves to see if we are still on the right track, or if we are going down the old path which will get us in trouble again. No one needs to point out the pitfalls for us, we no them all too well. Save a little for a rainy day, that is such an old proverb, but it holds true to our day, and it will still be going strong when we are no longer here.

I started my journey into the 55th. year of my life on Dec. 11th. I hope to stay healthy and to enjoy my family. I feel pretty good and when I feel down, recognising that as a road I don't want to take, I do my best to convince myself that all will be okay. All the pieces to the puzzle which make up my life are no longer here, Some are missing never to be found again. So, with this incomplete puzzle which makes up my life, I go on making the pieces that remain fit nicely to make a nice and happy family portrait. We can't and won't always have things the way we would like, but we don't need to just be satisfied with what we are left with, we can improve on what we have left to work with. Another old saying is, "there is always room for improvement."

Just being alive is a blessing. Enjoy life and deal with the trials which come your way the very best you can. Seek help when required and always strive to be the very best you can be. Even if no one notices, you know, and when it comes down to it, thats all that matters, we must be happy with ourselves, and yes, even love ourselves before we can honestly love someone else....

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