Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Things are fine...

You know, it was Dec. 21,1991, when my mom's terrible journey with cancer ended. I still remember her vividly. I think I always will. Not only because I loved her as I did, but also because during that time in my life I was losing my eyesight very rapidly and I wanted to take mental pictures of those I loved to recall as memories when I could no longer see them. That actually came quicker then even I expected. By 1994, just 3 years later, I could not make out faces anymore. So I guess it was a good thing I did save those memories.

I however do not like the memories I have of my mother in her hospital bed in the room nearr the kitchen at our old house on Richmond. I also have a very vivid picture of her in Puerto Rico in the funeral home and I clearly recall how her finger nails stood out long and polished. I want to say the polish was a soft pink. I no longer feel that heavy weight come over me when I think of these memories. No, I have not stopped loving her or wishing she was here, but I am sure she wanted me to get on with my life. And I have. Added to those sad memories are all the good ones I have, and it helps to balance things out.

My then wife, and children were a blessing to me since they helped me make it through those and other difficult times. I have been blessed with a great family. I have been given the gift of five beautiful granddaughters who my mom would be crazy about if she were here.

While life has not been easy, it has been good. I expect to be around for many more years and this date will always be remembered as the date my mom passed but also as the date we moved into our new home on Kildare in 1994. So if one is to believe in such things it marked and end to my moms suffering and a new beginning for us in a new home.....

1 comment:

  1. beautiful dad. I posted about her on facebook today if you want to go on and read it. alot of people came on and shared their memories of her and it felt great to hear all of it and see how many people miss her too.
