Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Just thinking...

It has been a little while since I last wrote on this blog, so I decided to write something. I have plenty to talk about but I think I will write about the current world condition.

With oil-spills and crazy weather all around the world, many folks are beginning to think of God again. This usually happens when things aren't going well in a persons personal life, so it only stands to reason that many folks are feeling this need to look to God.

What's my opinion on all of this? Well, for starters I say to each his or her own. I am not going to pass judgement on anyone based on how they feel about God or not. I have noticed some difference in the weather and other factors in nature which could lead one to believe that something is happening or about to happen. That's the key for me, if something is happening or is about to happen this year or in the near future, there is nothing I can say or do to stop it. No amount of prayers is going to stop an event if it is to happen. As for getting close to God, God is not one to be mocked, he well knows that if we have looked to him through our entire lives or just when the going gets rough. Only he can and will decide to whom he will extend mercy. So it would be futile for me to try and change anything at this venture of my life.

Am I afraid? No not really. I realize that no pain last forever, it eventually goes away or you learn to deal with it. And if death is the outcome, well that can't hurt too much since you will be dead, and my understanding of the death state is that one feels nothing at all.

So, I respect you for however you feel about this, but I would warn you against losing to much sleep over something you have zero control over. Live how you feel you should be living and leave the rest to your God or your higher power.

As for me, life goes on and as long as it does, so will I!

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