Sunday, April 25, 2010

Allow others to reach their potential...

We can play a role in someone's life or not. If they of course do not wish us to be involved in their lives, then we need to bow out gracefully.
However, if we are given the opportunity to be involved in the life of someone we love and care about, then it is important to allow that person to grow and achieve their potential, helping along the way if we can. Help comes in many forms. It can be a kind word at the proper time, encouragement, a gift of acknowledgement or a hug. When we add a measure of love to this equation we are headed in the right couse of action. We do this without expecting anything in return, that is what makes it sincere and loving. We will however reap the benefit of seeing someone we love to flourish and grow as a person. This as far as I am concerned is all that matters.

Who you may ask, would you do this for. While I could say for anyone, that is not practical since time spent with that person is required, we can't do this for a casual acquaintance, it would better serve someone who is a part of our lives, someone we deeply care about and want nothing but the best life has to offer.

We can and should demonstrate kindness whenever possible to anyone we may meet, but these special moments of growth and fulfilment should be preserved for those special people in our lives...

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