Friday, July 16, 2010


Yes, I have been busy. Many folks are under the impression that as a blind person I have nothing to do. They are wrong. I keep active and I just don't sit at home and mope.

I enjoy when I am included in certain activities. For example, Jan has asked me to go along as she chooses her furniture, I enjoy that. She really doesn't need my help, she has a very good sense for style.

Her brother has been in town and I have spent some time with him. It is pretty cool, he is a police officer from Missouri.

I was reading some info sent to me about the right of blind persons to live in the world. There have been and still are those who don't feel we should be included in the mainstream of normal living. Many would rather donate money and have us stay in a secure environment, instead of having to deal with us on a daily basis, either in the work place or just out in public.

I say 'deal with us' since that is how they look at us. They view us as an added stress to their lives, and they much rather not deal with it.

I would like to express to those holding this point of view that I am an independent person and I don't want their pity and I can get around without their help. We as disabled people for the most part welcome an opportunity to demonstrate our abilities to those who are sincere in their quest for knowledge. I however, have no time for those who simply wish to point out our limitations. They too have limitations, and in fact their limitations are much more constricting than any one I may encounter. The reason for that is simple, I see a limitation as a challenge and they use their's as an excuse for their conduct or limited points of view.

So, yes I have been busy, doing the things normal people do, ooopps I guess that makes me normal.....

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