Friday, March 19, 2010

Got a virus...

Not me, my PC. Yeap, somehow a virus bug attached itself to my computer. It went crazy changing my settings, even my welcome screen and shutdown menu. It also added a user to my computer. I caught it and destroyed it. I checked every program possible and cleaned it up. I changed my antivirus and antispyware program, since apparently it did not do it's job. I was using Window's defender, now I went back to a trusted friend, Avast.

The bug even corrupted my network software. I had to uninstall my wireless adapter program and use a different mode to logon. It's all good now. I was thinking how frustrating it must be for an individual who does not know what to do, or for that matter, even to recognize the problem before it is either beyond repair, or someone has hacked into all of your personal info. I ramained calm and figured that if I could not clean it up, I would restore my system using a prior date. Yes, I know how to do it.

I was trying to figure out how I let this happen, since I don't open any program which I suspect is infected, and I don't use share-ware, or download songs. But then I remember allowing someone to use my PC the day before this all happened. I am not blaming anyone, I know for a fact that the persons I allow on my PC would not intentionally damage my system. It could happen to anyone at anytime. My antivirus program should have caught it. Well as I said, it's all good!

On a much lighter note. I had my bathtub refinished and it looks like new. I also purchased a new mattress set, it is cool. It sits so high on my bed, that I have been telling folks that I probably will have to get a running start to jump up there. Tonight will be the first night I sleep on them. Too bad I sleep alone. You know something real interesting, I heard that a link was found between loneliness and high blood pressure. Go figure...

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