Thursday, March 11, 2010

Life is good...

You know life is what you make of it. If you want to be be sad and it has nothing to do with a health issue, whether physical or mental. you will be sad. If on the other hand you have the capacity to be happy and you exercise that option, you will be happy. I don't mean that crazy kind of happiness where you are acting goofy when it calls for you to be serious, no I am talking about a happiness where no one can rog you of it with a nasty attitude. When you have this type of joy in your life, you look younger, in control and you are a person others don't mind being around, unless of course if they are a sour puss.

If you however try your best to be happy, and you just can't find the way or emotion to do so, you may have a problem which you cannot handle on your own. There is nothing to be ashamed about. You are only human after all. Maybe talking to a good friend is all you need, perhaps a parent or and older child can help. If you rather not tell anyone close to you, or you have tried and it doesn't work, it may be a wise thing on your part to seek medical help. It is far worse to pretend nothing is wrong. You will not get better all by yourself, it has the possibility of gettin much worse. So, if you are reading this and you are feeling this way. You owe it to yourself to take action. :)

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