Sunday, October 31, 2010

Finding a sale...

Boy oh Boy! Don't we feel good when something we wanted to buy finally goes on sale. I don't know about you, but I don't like to pay full price for anything. I always feel as I have been cheated when I do pay full price. And when you go back and see something on sale and think of how much you paid, then you feel robbed. So, anyway yesterday i bought a pea coat for myself, one I have been wanting for a while now. it was marked down to half price. I love that. It is really well made for the price I paid, actually it is made well enough that paying full price is not bad either. In some rare cases an item is actually worth what it is being sold for.

The point I wanted to make though is that I almost fell into the trap of thinking that maybe at that price I should buy two of them. For someone who goes out on a daily basis maybe that would not be a bad idea. But I don't go out that much and I have two other very nice coats I can also wear. The point is that if i bought two of these coats, what amount of money would I have saved? Really none. Yes, I would have two for the price of one, but the idea is to save something. So, by just purchasing one I saved half. Makes sense to me. And if you think of it, if something were to happen to this coat in the near future, which I don't think it will, I am sure the stor will have a similar sale soon. So, enjoy your sales but buy wisely. You will feel better about yourself and I believe you will appreciate the item a little more.

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