Monday, August 16, 2010

False expectations...

You know as we grow up we have certain expectations of life. This would mean that we expect certain things from ourselves and others. Well, we were half right. We can and by all means should have certain expectations of ourselves as a person, but to have such regarding others is false. I use the word false since it is the opposite of true. We can and must be true to ourselves, but that is where it should stay. Not that others can't be true to us, but for us to expect it would just be setting ourselves up for disappointment. As you read this you might be thinking I have a grudge or that I am a very bitter person. You actually couldn't be further from the truth. I have learned through life that when we depend on others we can easily be hurt. While when we depend on ourselves and others do give of themselves to us, it is an added blessing. You see when you recieve from another without any previously imagined outcome or result, we can only benefit and be surprised and pleased instead of hurt or disappointed.

I know you who read this blog are probably tired of hearing me say that no one owes us anything, but it is the truth. Most people who live waiting for someone else to do for them actually live a very empty life.

I call my life a journey and in this journey there are chapters. As one closes another opens. I welcome anyone into my journey through life. Don't feel bad if at first I seem distant, that is just my survival instinct. You see I am cautious of feeling certain feelings for someone only to learn they don't feel the same towards me. So I have built this invisible barrier which protects me. It is however not a barrier which can not be broken, it can, and I welcome anyone with good intentions to break through, I will not put up a fight once it is clear to me that your intentions are wholesome. You will find that I am a very loving and kind individual. I have learned many things in my journey through life. I will say that some of the things I've learned weren't of my choosing, but they were lessons learned nonetheless. I am a much calmer person now. I realize that certain things are going to happen which I cannot control no matter what I say or do. I therefore love and strive to do good so that I may bring a little happiness to others lives. As I always say, maybe someday in someway the good I do will return to me, and hey, if it never does, that is ok since I no longer have false expectations.....

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