Friday, August 20, 2010

Interesting day...

Today I went downtown to take care of some legal matters. While I was there I met an African American young lady. As we started talking she told me her husband was visually impaired. She went on to tell me that a few years back one morning he woke up with blurred vision only to find out later he had a tumor. Well, the tumor was removed but he still has vision problems. She told me that he does not want to leave the house and won't even visit family. I talked to her on how important it is for him to get help. She agreed and then I told her how she needs to take care of herself so that he does not drag her down with him. She then told me that she already is feeling that way, so I tried to help her understand that it is not her fault and she must not start to feel guilty for feeling how she does. From her expression I believe she needed to hear that. She mentioned she would not even feel right going out since he did not want to go. So, again I mentioned to her that her life cannot stop because of him. This will not help him and most definitely hurt her. Anyway I enjoyed speaking with her and I hope that something of what I said brought some sort of comfort to her. I am glad it was me and not some guy out there who would take advantage of her vulnerable state of mind. Maybe it was meant for her and I to meet in our journey through life. By the way her husband is an educated man who was a police officer before he became ill. I really hope he seeks help before he loses her.

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