Wednesday, August 4, 2010

On a happier note...

Life is good! That is the motto for LG electronics. It should be our motto to live by. Just think about it for a moment... If we wake up thinking and feeling that life is good, chances are we will have a pretty good day. On the other hand, if we wake up mad at the world and all we think about is how much life sucks, we are setting ourselves up to have a krappy day. I know there are situations and events that happen in life which change how we feel about life, but if we have a solid desire to be happy and to accept the things we have no control over, we have a chance. I believe that our attitude has so much to do with how we feel and act. It even has an effect on how people view us. Have you ever met someone who looks mad all the time? Do you want to be around that person? I know I don't. And if you do, maybe the saying: "misery loves company applies to you." I certainly don't want to be like that. I strive to be a balanced person. I realize everyday is not going to be cheerful, but I will look for reasons to smile or even laugh. I want to be a person others want to be around, not a sour puss, who all want to stay away from.

So, smile, laugh...Life is GOOD!!

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