Sunday, September 19, 2010

Living within one's means...

You know when I was a kid we lived in a house which was a row house. A row house is just what the name implies. It was a house connected to all the other houses from one corner of the block to the other corner. We had no space between the house next door. In fact, if you listened closely, you could hear your neighbors. We had a back yard and a front yard. There was really no privacy to speak about. I never minded this as a kid. I did not know anything aside from this way of life. We did not have a car till 1968. We did all of our traveling by bus. Anywhere we went we rode the CTA. In the winter we would freeze waiting for the bus and in the summer we would bake in the sun. I do remember the heat and the cold, but I don't remember my sister or I complaining. You see this was the way it was and we did not expect it to change anytime soon. But it was fine, we had a home to return to and food to eat. We did not have all the luxuries which people have now. But, not many folks did, and if they did, they did not live in our neighborhood. We had one black and white television, and my Dad would own it when he was home, especially if sports was on. I remmember back in 1969 my Dad bought a record player and my sister and I were allowed to buy 1 45 record each. The only reason we even got the record player is because our religion came out with records called Kingdom Melodies.

I for my part did not miss not having things since I was raised to believe that we needed to be happy with what we already had and to wish for more was greed and a work of the flesh, or wha Satan wanted us to long for, the things others had. So, I never even gave it a second thought as I was growing up. We were poor I guess, but we never really needed to ask anyone for anything, and if we did I certainly did not know that. In fact, now that i am older I still feel that one does not need a whole lot when it comes to material things to be happy. I really don't regret being raised to be content with what I had. While I do like new stuff just like the other guy, I won't die if I don't have it. Things come and go. What seems important today may tomorrow be tossed aside or even tossed away. My wife and I raised our children in a similar way. They did have mor than just a black and white tv, and we tried to buy them some of the newest toys, but as far as expensive styles, we did not go that route. We did buy our kids new clothes and while it may not have been the most expensive, it was not the cheapest either. I am grateful to God for allowing their mom and me to always provide for them. And just like most parents, we tried to provide things for them which we did not have as kids.

Life is not easy but it can be even harder if we live out of our means. I don't ever remember longing for something another person had. I have always had the attitude that if I get it fine and if I don't that is fine also. I am satisfied with just having what I need to live from day to day. I could say I just need what I need to survive, but someone might think I am dirt poor, and that is not the case. I have what I need and shelter and food are not a worry for me. You see others are not happy with just getting by from day to day, but I do just fine living like this. Not that I don't make plans and save a little when I can, but I have no notions of striking gold. If it happens I will enjoy it but I am not going to spend my life striving after the wind...

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