Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Warm secure feeling...

You know that feeling of security and peace you feel when you are in your favorite place? If you don't know, you seriously need to find it. I started finding these special moments years ago. In fact, I was just a child. I can remember going to Childrens Memorial Hospital for frequent blood test while I had hepatitis. On the way to the clinic most of the time I would have a stomach ache which seemed to last forever, and on the way back all I could think about was getting home and laying on the sofa and watch the Munsters on tv. My stomach would still be upset, but I was home, I was in my safe place. I had this condition for 6 months. Finally one day my blood test came back negative and I was told, or rather, my mom was told I would be okay! I still had to watch what I ate, but at least I knew those terrible stomach aches were soon going to be a thing of the past.

I never gave up my special place though. It has changed locations through the years, but I always have a place in my home where I can go to and feel safe and at peace. Sometimes I visit my place several times a day, while on other days I don't even need to go there. I have even been able to re-create my special place when I am far from home. This is more a mental getting away rather than a physical one. Even though the physical one also involves the mind, when I am away from home It takes more of an effort to arrive at that safe peaceful place.

Sometimes a certain smell, food or thought can quickly take me to my special place. This to some may sound silly, but I really feel strongly about this. I have gone through difficult times in my life where escaping to my place has kept me sane.

I don't hide from my problems while in my secure place, I just take a break from them. I rejuvinate my system so I can go on. maybe to some this may all sound like a false sense of security, but through the years it has worked for me. So, I will continue to enjoy my moments of peace and quiet where I am alone with my fears,feelings,thoughts, hopes and dreams.....

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