Thursday, September 2, 2010

What kind of friend are you...

That is not a trick question, but it can be a difficult one to answer. The first obvious answer to most of us is 'a good friend' or even 'a great friend'. Whose standards are we basing our answer on? We might be looking at the kind of friends others make, and compared to them we are great friends, but are those the standards you want to live up to? Apparently their standards really don't meet up to what we feel a friend should be. So, honestly what kind of friend are you...

Only you can answer that soul-searching question. We all have a notion of what makes a good friend.

Is a friend someone who always agrees with us?
Is a friend someone who always says the right thing?
Is a friend someone who remembers all those special occasions?
Is a friend someone you can call at any time of the day or night?
Is a friend someone who brings you chicken soup?
Is a friend someone who laughs at all your jokes?
Is a friend someone who won't tell you your breath doesn't smell to good?
Is a friend someone who forces you to eat even though you are on a diet?
Is a friend someone who reminds you to eat something?
Is a friend someone who allows you to drive just cause you only had a few beers/shots?
Is a friend someone who says they love you?
Is a friend someone who shows you they love you?
Is a friend someone you always want to be around?
Is a friend someone who lets you have your own space?
Is a friend someone who calls you when you are sick?
Is a friend someone who calls you when someone dies?
Is a friend someone who calls you regularly?
Is your husband your friend?
Is your wife your friend?
Is your child your friend?
Is your parent your friend?
Is your pet your friend?
How much can you tell a friend?
How much can a friend tell you?

I can go on and on, but you get the point. It is not so easy to say if someone is a good friend or a casual friend.

One thing we can do is to set our own standards as to what kind of friend we want to be and to whom...Then we can work hard at achieving this. Remember that to be a good friend you don't need a lot of money or a lot of material things to offer, and remember that who you are should be just enough. If you want to make a a person your remodeling project so they can be a good friend to you, then you aren't a good friend to have, and the opposite is true also, if someone is wanting to change us because they feel we would then fit their mold, then they are not a friend worth pursuing.

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