Sunday, January 10, 2010

I'm back...

Yeah, I did not write for a few days. I was busy. I went shopping for a new PC. It took me about two and a half days to make up my mind which one to get. I must have reviewed 100's of computers. It is great that I could do all that window shopping online. I would have been very frustrated if I had to go to so many stores. Well I decided on a Dell Optiplex which is much more than I will ever need. It has 4g ram and a huge hd. I did not get it for the hd size but the 4g did impress me. I know it will be a whole lot faster than the one I am using now. I think this one has 1/2g of ram. Well we shall see. I hope I am pleasantly surprised.

I went to my sister's house and ate some PR food. It was good. Then I sat in the front room and listened to the fb games. My teams won, the Jets and the Cowboys. Hope the cowboys beat the Vikings next weekend.

Looking forward to meeting Irina, my son's friend. She sounds like someone I will get along with just fine. I am not hard to get along with. Well that is my opinion, yours may be different. I have been known to be a real ass at times. I'm working on it.

I was thinking about my granddaughters and how happy they are. That is great! I was also thinking of how much things change. When I was a kid you expected to have two grandmas and two granpas. I only had one grandma simce my mom's mother died before I was born. However, My granddaughters have all of their grandparents. Neither of the two are married to to the corresponding mate anymore. I wonder how the girls will view that once they are older, or if they even care. They see me and their other grampa but not with our ex-wives. We all may be in the same room at the same time, but not together, not that we are at each others throats, we are just not married any longer. So, I don't know if it will make any difference to them since they are loved by so many people. I really think that we all try our hardest to show them we love them regardless of how we may or may not feel about one another. Life sure is different from when I was a kid. I really did not feel all that love from my father's parents. Maybe, they weren't given much affection when they wer kids. Well, that is no excuse now that I think about it. I did not feel all that love but I try to let those around me know that I love them, if I do. Well all that matters is that we love them and that they know it.

1 comment:

  1. Hey dad..enjoying your posts as usual. I noticed though u mentioned that your grandaughters grandparents are no longer together. Were you only talking about amaya and malaya? cause my girls have oma and horace who are still together. Plus since amaya and malaya never knew melecios' parents as a couple, they proably don't even realize that they were once a couple since they are still so young. I know that once mom's parents seperated it didn't make a big difference to me. Some things just become the norm.Like when I hear ma suprised over some of your family memebers talking to her. It drives me nuts, because why wouldn't they? She has even asked some of them, oh I thought you proably hated me, and then they look at her confused. I try to tell her she isn't the first person in history to get divorced. I think it's pretty common sadly these days. Just my two cents of the day.
