Saturday, January 23, 2010

It's late...

It is late Friday night or early Saturday morning. It was rather exciting around my house this evening. All my granddaughters and my sister's grandsons wher over. They adults came along as well. It was nice.

Now I have my quiet back and I don't know what to do with it. So I decided to write. Really am enjoying my new PC and my ZT upgrade. They both are much faster than I was used to. I bet that for those who do not need the screen-reader, this PC must fly. I mean the only time I notice it slows down and just for a second is when I use the APP reader function of ZT. And that may well be a software issue. It is like having a new toy. My son came over and told me that the software his company uses needs the type of processor this PC has or a Quad. This one has something called Hyper threading, which means that it splits the processor into two sections making it use it's full capacity and making it operate cooler and faster. It is pretty neat. I have been reading about this technology and Intell is the only one to offer it. You must have pentium 4 and the mother board and other components must be able to handle this feature. There is a complete section on how to properly build or rebuild this unit. I did not know all of this before I purchased. I did know I was gettin a great deal, it just turns out to be even better than I thought.

Well, I am getting tired now and I should get my proper sleep, so good night.

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