Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Once again, thanks for tech...

About a week before I started this blog I was starting to get cabin fever. I was trying to figure out what to do with my time. There is just so much sweeping and mopping and dusting before you run out of things to do. No thanks, I don;t want to clean your house.

So this brings me to the reason for today's subject. Because of technology I now have the opportunity to write my blog, read and write on facebook, send and recieve emails and just surf the web. Man let me tell you that this is a blessing. I think that if Doctors start reccommending the use of the internet to their depressed patients, they will see a remarkable change for the positive. Sure I know that a lot of time can be wasted on the computer, but before that it was the tv, alcohol and or drugs. Or for some of us, our mind would be racing with thoughts all the time, enough to make you go crazy. Now those thoughts can be put into a blog. I still have those moments when I feel trapped and feel like running, but at least now I can search for something on the web, check my mail or shop on EBAY. I still like to listen to talk radio and old radio shows, but I don't watch or listen to tv very often. There is so much that one without sight can not enjoy with movies and shows. I know that many things are happening on the screen when the actors aren't talking which make up a large part of the movie. And I just don't like to bother someone else to tell me what is going on. Yes, there are discriptive video movies, but they are very old movies and the newer ones are to expensive to buy. Years ago Blockbuster tried to carry those movies in their stors for rental, but it did not work out.

So thank God for technology. I tend to get bored of stuff, so let's see how long I will keep up my blog and facebook. For now it is actually a matter of survival. Winter with it's cold and snow are not good friends with a blind person. It is difficult if not impossible to go for a walk and just going outside to breathe fresh air gets old really quick. When the snow has fallen and there are spots which have not been cleared a blind person, or for that matter a visually impaired person can get confused and lose all sense of direction. Believe me I have gotten completely turned around right in front of my house. I panicked at first but the last few times I am calm and just use my cell phone to call someone to direct me back home. The last time there was no one home so I just stood in one spot and waited for a car to come by and request help. The interesting thing is that when I have gotten lost in front of the house I have been shoveling snow so I didn't have my cane with me. If the people driving by didn't know I was blind they would not stop and help. They would probably think I was loco. Oh well, as I said and I will continue to say, thanks God for technology and by the way thanks for wind chimes too.

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