Friday, January 1, 2010

Technology is Great!...

Ask any blind person who is taking advantage of a screen reader, talking gps, talking scale, talking thermostat....and they will tell you how great technology is for them. I remember the years that just to know what the temp. was in my house, I would have to ask someone to tell me, no longer is that the case since I purchased my talking thermostat. Not only can I set the time and temp. but I can also check the temp. at any time just by pushing a button. This thermostat is so advanced that if I want to set the temp. by just talking to it, I can. How about my screen reader by opened up the world of internet,email,shopping...all just by reading what is on the screen and reading back every letter as I type it. I had learned how to operate MS DOS, back in the '70's, but as my sight got worse I could no longer see the screen. I just left it alone for a long time, and then I said I want to use a PC again. I got myself the ZT software and went to work. I had to learn how to use not only ZT but also Windows XP, Outlook, Ebay and everything else that had changed in the world of computers since the'70's, and let me tell you, it was a whole lot to learn! How about my talking Trekker Breeze which can be use while walking or in a vehicle. It can tell the difference by the speed of travel and it adjust automatically. It tells me what street I am on and the direction of travel. It announces the coming intersection naming each street. By a push of a button, I can find out the nearest address to me and also what points of interest there are around me. I can also record routes with my own voice, I can then ask for directions to that particular location just by verbally requesting it. It is not perfect but it is so cool. Just imagine that a year and a half ago I would have ask where I was. I don't use it everyday but I could if I had to. Oh, I also have a talking compass which has saved me from being lost many many times. All I do is point it in the direction I am walking and it tells me north,east, west or south. It is great. When I had Kylie, my guide dog, a few times I got so turned around, that I did not know which way I was traveling. I am so glad I had my compass cause I soon was walking in the proper direction. Yeah, technology is awesome. I can't afford everything that is out there, but the things I need to allow me to be an independent person I own. I will continue to read thanks to my screen reader about new and exciting things in technology and when something is for me, you'd better believe I am going to save up my pennies to buy it.

1 comment:

  1. Yup technology is awesome, I love my macbook Air so cool.
