Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The end of another year...

2009 is almost over. Every year about this time folks start thinking back on what did and didn't happen during the year. The news people reflect on world events and the like. In our personal lives we may reflect on the things we had planned to accomplish but for some reason or another did not get to them or started but never finished. You know what is interesting about that? Well, even though we still may have some unfinished business from this year, we are already thinking about what we are going to do next year. How about finishing what we started or intended to do before we move on to something else! Maybe on the other hand you are one of those who accomplished everything they set out to do. Good for you!!

Some may not want to deal with unfinished business believing that if we ignore it it will go away. Sorry to break the news to you, it aint going nowhere. You may be successful in putting it on the back burner for a little while, but until you take care of it, it will always show it's ugly face. Don't put off things that are only going to slow down your ability to succeed in new ventures. Sometimes the outcome of some of the situations we fear the most aren't as bad as we think they are. We may even be pleasantly surprised that getting that load off our backs is just what we needed to move on. On the other hand, If what you are worrying about is something you really have zero control over, well then for God's sake let it go. Don't just put it to rest for a little while, put it to rest for good. Don't try to control things that are out of your control. Why make life more difficult than it already is?

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