Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Rest in peace...

You know that is what people say about a dead person, may they rest in peace. Well, I don't know about you, but I want my peace while I am alive to enjoy it.

Sometimes our peace doesn't come automatically to us, we need to work to find it. If we are always worried and upset about things, our peace will not come. We need to learn to relax. We need to look at some of our past and remember that we went through difficult times before and apparently we made it through, otherwise we would not be here right now. All the worry in the world is not going to make a difference. Ask yourself, when did worrying make things easier to deal with, how much worrying makes things go away, how much worrying makes the outcome better? If you are honest with yourself you will have to admit that no worrying in the world helps to solve anything. All it does is rob you of peace.

Make your own peace, don't allow anyone or anything to rob you of it. Steal a little time for yourself everyday. Clear your mind and be at peace with yourself no matter what is going on around you. Once you have collected your thoughts and are in control, you will find that it is much easier to deal with things. You will find solutions where you thought their weren't any to be found.

Make your PEACE and enjoy it!

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