Wednesday, December 2, 2009

to celebrate or not..

Well, as you know, I was strickly raised as A Jehovah's Witness, As you may also be aware of, I don't attend any meetings or profess to be one any longer.

One of the things that came with those teachings was not to celebrate holidays cause of their Pagan origin.

Well that was really pounded into my head cause even though I don't practice their religion I don't celebrate the holidays either. The only one I don't feel guilty about is Thanksgiving. maybe cause the purpose of that is just to reflect and be grateful.

Some may think that I just use this as an excuse not to buy gifts and spend my money. That is not the case. I still try to give when I can. But, while I am on the subject of spending money on gifts, if I did buy gifts for birthdays and xmas, every Dec. I would be broke. A bunch of people I know have a birthday in Dec.

For now my conscience will not allow me to participate in those above mentioned holidays, Will this be my stand always? I don't know. Only time will tell how I will feel as time goes on. I have been known to change my mind. But for now it is what it is.

Oh, it is not just one sided, for those who may be thinking that I am okay with accepting gifts, you are mistaken. I tell those close to me not to buy me anything for holidays or birthdays cause it really makes me feel uncomfortable having to say I can't accept. Since I am aware that most people don't share my feelings I just don't want to hurt someones feelings that is all in the giving spirit.

So, when it comes to me save your money. Believe it or not I feel funny recieving gifts at any time. I feel wonderful when I am able to give to someone. I really believe that there is more joy in giving. If I was rich I would soon be in the poor house since I would give to all. Call me crazy, but even when I am at the stores and I hear a child asking a parent for a candy and the parent says no, I feel like buying it for them. But, people are so touchy you need to be careful. They might accuse me of being a child molestor. Far from it, I am just a very caring person.

1 comment:

  1. Wow are we alike! I have given a mom money if I heard her tell her child they can't have the candy cause she didn't have the money! I hear it all the time at the store and I am always tempted to help. Of course I can't all the time, but I have about 2 times when it was something small like candy. But at the same time I have seen other's generosity. Once at jewel I started talking to the couple in front of me, just a general conversation, well when the cashier rung him up, he told her to add my stuff to his bill. I'll never forget how I felt that day. And hopefully those mom's I gave those few bucks too felt the same way.
